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Astrophotography using olympus omd10 mkII

Posted: 27 Jun 2020 17:49
by Serge Gi
Hi Rob,
I will really like to see a video tutorial on how to use Olympus omd10 mkii with the 17mm/1.8 or kit lens for astro and see which kind of result we can expect. Summer is already here, it will be a good timing for it.
I know a wider lens will be better. I'm thinking to buy a 7artisans 7,5 mm/2.8 for casual astrophotography in a near future.
See you soon on the live stream,
Serge Gi

Re: Astrophotography using olympus omd10 mkII

Posted: 21 Jul 2020 12:52
by Serge Gi
I did my first attempt at astrophotography from my garden during a new moon using Photopills apps , Olympus Omd 10 mkii with Zuiko 17mm/1.8.
My settings are shooting RAW, Manual mode, manual focus with focus peaking and magnification, infinity focus, 3200 iso, F1.8,15 secondes exposure (500 rule) & WB 4000k.
I did a bit of light painting on the trees.I did the stacking on Sequator and use Lightroom for editing.

Next time I will have a better foreground and no wind to avoid blurry leaves. I found a chapel on top of a Hill with no light pollution and i bought for 75 euros a fish eye wide angle lens RISESPRAY 7.5 mm 2.8 ( same as 7artisans 7.5mm just different branding).

To be continued...

Re: Astrophotography using olympus omd10 mkII

Posted: 21 Jul 2020 16:19
by Rob Trek
Great job! For light painting, you could pop a flash instead of using a flashlight to freeze the tree leaves. Looks a tad out of focus but your post processing is awesome.

Re: Astrophotography using olympus omd10 mkII

Posted: 21 Jul 2020 16:33
by Serge Gi
Thank you Rob , i will try that next time.

Re: Astrophotography using olympus omd10 mkII

Posted: 18 Mar 2021 18:30
by edjuh
Nice Serge

Good tip on that fisheye, lets see if they can be had in my nick of the woods.